Jun 18, 2021

GOAL! Are you hitting yours?


The financial industry is becoming more and more involved in the digital world. It’s constantly on which means so is your website, marketing and branding. Are you currently hitting your business goals with them?
The UEFA Euro 2020 has started and even they have gone through logo changes throughout the years. The biggest change was for the Euro 1996, hosted in England, the logo then changed every 4 years after that. They looked very different. 
You hardly see logos that last a lifetime, even some will make slight tweaks to make it on-trend or refreshed. At the time of creating logos, they make look current but years go by and soon they’re not anymore. The UEFA Euro logo from 1960 to 1992 was all similar, they had the host country’s flag and mentioned the year. The typography used was, what we would now call, retro and vintage looking but was stylish back then. 
Likewise, with financial businesses, maybe you started out as having one office and you were a local independent financial brand, but you have grown to have a few locations. Or maybe you are just starting up your own financial business and need to stand out from your competition. 
Any changes going on, don’t forget your branding, website or marketing. They also deserve the upgrade and new look.

a man with paper and pen writing down business goals

Attack the future:
  • Present appraisal 
Taking a look at your current website, branding and marketing is a good first step. Are you happy with it? Does it meet your financial business’ goals? 
  • Timeframe? 
Is there a deadline or do you have other changes going on, knowing how long you have will help plan out your goal. 
  • Spending plan?
Knowing your budget and what you have to spend will help determine how fast or how you can complete your goals. 
  • Consult your team 
It’s always good to get insight and ask your team members or any stakeholders what they think or if they have had feedback before about your website, branding or marketing. 
Points to remember:
  • Be reasonable 
Ensure your goals can be reached, being unrealistic with them will just cause frustration. 
  • Explore
Find out with some research what your competitors are doing or who you aspire to be like, the inspiration and ideas will start flowing. 
  • Long term goals
Make sure the goals you set are going to meet your overall vision and long term goals. 
man at his desk typing on his laptop the business goals
Strength in unity!
We’ve got all your website, branding and marketing needs covered at FinanceStream. We can ensure consistency and work seamlessly to get your financial business seen, that’s all your needs in the back of the net!
Any questions or queries, we’re happy to have a chat. Give us a call on 0333 242 3990 or email robin@financestream.co


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